Does the pleasure come too soon without you being able to control it? We speak of premature ejaculation when there is a stable and repeated difficulty on the part of the man in voluntarily controlling ejaculation. A minimal stimulation is enough to reach orgasm, and this happens before the man desires it and before the other partner has achieved pleasure.

delayed ejaculationBut is it possible to delay ejaculation? If so, how? Experts have listed some of the best premature ejaculation pills you can use to regain control. We will shed some light on the problem before addressing its possible resolution.

The Causes of the Problem

It is difficult to define the average length of intercourse, as it varies from couple to couple. On average, it is estimated between 5-6 minutes. To frame a problem, it is necessary to establish whether the time to reach ejaculation represents an impediment to the sexual life of the specific couple and has negative consequences on the relationship between the partners and their sexual satisfaction.

The causes of premature ejaculation are:

  • Psychological in nature: for example, a loss of confidence in oneself or the ability to maintain an erection for the duration of intercourse.
  • Physical in nature: in the case of anatomical anomalies, such as a short frenulum or inflammation of the prostate.

3 Ways to Delay Ejaculation

To delay ejaculation, in many cases, a treatment based on different strategies combined with each other is attempted.

  1. If the problem is psychological, it is necessary to undertake a therapeutic path to identify the cause (stress, lack of confidence, emotional block, performance anxiety, or other) and resolve the situation. The specialist works to develop the patient’s potential to bring the relationship with the partner back to normal. But since fast ejaculation mainly concerns the couple, it is not unusual for both partners to undergo a healing path together.
  2. delay ejaculationRetardant creams and condoms help delay ejaculation as they contain anesthetic substances that can reduce the glans’ sensitivity. The limit of these remedies is the difficulty in dosing the correct amount of anesthetic, and there is a risk of decreasing the validity of the erection or limiting the pleasure.
  3. Oral medications specific for premature ejaculation must be prescribed by the specialist. There is no need to follow continuous drug therapy. A specific drug can be taken as needed before sexual intercourse, which has proved to be very safe and effective in delaying ejaculation. The problem is that its effectiveness is limited to the hours after taking it. Therefore it takes away the spontaneity of the sexual act and does not solve the problem definitively.

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