Making love usually takes life-long practice to master the art. As a person’s sexual savvy ripens, he has to be well equipped with the best love making techniques to enrich this special and fun journey. It won’t only be enjoyable and fulfilling for you but also with your partner, something that he or she will brag about to his or her friends!


The Coital Alignment Technique

The proper execution of this technique will enhance the sexintimate connection between you and your partner. The man should slide three to four inches while doing the missionary position but instead of resting on the elbows, the man’s arms should lie flat, shifting the weight to the woman while cupping the shoulders. Both should keep their spines straight. This will make the base of the penis naturally rub against the woman’s clitoris.

The legs of the woman should be kept straight as she pushes the pelvis for about two inches towards the man. At this moment, the man can already push down to give out a little resistance, and this has to be done gently. This will be performed in an up and down rocking manner instead of the usual in and out movement. To bring the guy deeper, the woman should spread her inner thighs wider while wrapping the ankles around the man’s calves. As soon as you get a rhythm and perform in unison, your love making would increase its intimacy at a subtle pace.

Riding the Waves

This is essentially a very old sexual practice that dates back to the ancient times and was designed to delay purposely pleasure which in turn would heighten the eventual release.

It is very simsexple. As soon as you are on the brink of an orgasm, stop any stimulation and movement. Take three deep breaths and squeeze your genital muscles gently while doing so and bask in the energy as it rises through the body. Do this to approximately three times and on the fourth, release it fully! This is very helpful for those that want to enjoy every orgasm more.

A Sensual Massage

The best love making techniques are not always about fancy tricks that you can perform in bed. A huge part of lovemaking happens even as the intercourse begins. For one to be a excellent lover, he or she must know how to touch. Giving your partner a sensual massage is an excellent way of connecting with him or her. Just learn where your partner wants to be touched and which areas feel good while also making sure that all the tension is released. This is also perfect as a bonding act for both of you.